SolidWorks CSWA Tutorial 1: Preparing for the Exam

This tutorial gives  an overview of solidworks CSWA (certified solidworks associate) exam.

Exam features hands-on challenges in many of these areas:

  • Sketch entities – lines, rectangles, circles, arcs, ellipses, centerlines
  • Sketch tools – offset, convert, trim
  • Sketch relations
  • Boss and cut features – extrudes, revolves, sweeps, lofts
  • Fillets and chamfers
  • Linear, circular and fill patterns
  • Dimensions
  • Feature conditions – start and end
  • Mass properties
  • Materials
  • Inserting components
  • Standard mates – coincident, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, concentric, distance, angle
  • Reference geometry – planes, axis, mate references
  • Drawing sheets and views
  • Annotations

Video Covering all about solidworks cswa exam

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One comment on “SolidWorks CSWA Tutorial 1: Preparing for the Exam

  1. nawajish ali on said:

    very good

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