Revolve Feature In Solidworks

Revolve is one the basic features used in part modeling in solidworks. The idea here is to revolve a closed profile around an axis which results in a solid. In this tutorial we will create a donut by revolving a circle around an axis.

Level: Beginners
Video Tutorial

Instructions on how to use revolve feature in solidworks

1) Open Solidworks and click on new and then click on part and click ok as shown.

new part menu in solidworks
New part in solidworks

2) Then click on front plane and you will see a small menu appearing near your mouse. Click on normal to  button normal to button solidworks in that menu. Now the front reorients itself. Click on front plane again and now click on sketch button  Sketch Button Solidworks .

Left Pane in solidworks

3)Click on centered line in the line from sketcher stencil.

and create a vertical central line  of arbitrary length passing through the origin.

4)  Now click on centered circle center circle solidworks sketch feature in the sketch menu.

Sketch Menu

and sketch a circle of diameter 2 at a distance 3 from central line.

To do this first create a circle which is on the horizontal axis (just move the cursor away horizontally from the origin you will see horizontal guiders) and click on smart dimension   and click on the circle. Then you will see a dimension box as enter 2 in this and clock on tick mark. Now select smart dimension again and first click on center of the circle and then on the  center line and you will see the dimension box again. Now enter 3 in this box. You final sketch must be like this.

5) Exit the sketch by clicking exit sketch button in the top right corner.  Now click on the revolve feature button in features tab revolve button

and you will see the feature which is to be created by revolving the current profile like this.

revolve preview

The revolve feature automatically selects the center line drawn in the sketch profile.  If there is no central line you might have to select and existing line to be selected as axis to revolve.

Now exit the revovle feature by clicking on the green tick in the left hand side dashboard and you will see the final solid as …Donut in solidworks

Now test what you have learned!!

Exercise:- Create a cylinder using rectangle and revolving it around one of its edge.

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  1. Pingback: Revolve Surface in SolidWorks | SolidWorks Tutorials

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