Extrude Feature in solidworks

Level: Beginners

This is one of the most basic features used in creation of parts in solidworks. The idea behind this feature is to create a closed profile and extrude it normal to that profile to create a solid object. Lets takes the case of creation of a cylinder. What we do is create a circle on one of the planes and just extrude / pull in normal direction which forms the cylinder.

Video Tutorial

Instructions on how to use extrude feature in Solidworks.

1) Open Solidworks and click on new and then click on part and click ok as shown. 

new part menu in solidworks
New part in solidworks


2) Then click on front plane and you will see a small menu appearing near your mouse. Click on normal to  button normal to button solidworks in that menu. Now the front reorients itself. Click on front plane again and now click on sketch button  Sketch Button Solidworks

Left Pane in solidworks

3)  Now click on centered circle center circle solidworks sketch feature in the sketch menu. 

Sketch Menu

4) Now create a circle as shown on the front plane with center at origin. Just hover you mouse pointer near origin and it will auto snap to origin and click. 

5) Now click on smart dimension and click on the circle you have just drawn. Enter 2 in the dimension box that appears and press enter key. Exit the sketch by clicking the exit sketch button .
5)  Now click on extruded boss/ base feature in features tab and select the circle we have just created. 

Select Mid plane in direction 1 menu and enter distance as 5. and click ok. and you will see the cylinder as

cylinder in solidworks

Now complete an exercise by creating a cuboid of size 4 x 4x 10.
Download the solidworks file in this tutorial..

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