Sweep Feature in solidworks

This is another basic feature in SolidWorks used to model parts. This tool comes in handy when you cannot design the part using either extrude or revolve. Here we sweep a profile along an open /closed path to create the object.

Level: Beginners

The sweep button in the features tab will activate only if you have at least two sketches.

Video instructions on how to do a sweep in Solidworks

Instructions on how to do a sweep

1) Open Solidworks and click on new and then click on part and click ok as shown.

new part menu in solidworks
New part in solidworks

2) Then click on front plane and you will see a small menu appearing near your mouse. Click on normal to button normal to button solidworks in that menu. Now the front plane reorients itself. Click on front plane again and now click on sketch button Sketch Button Solidworks .

Left Pane in solidworks

3) Create a circle with diameter 2 with origin as center

Circle diameter 2

and exit sketch by clicking exit sketch button .

4) Now right click on top plane in the left panel and click on normal to button normal to button solidworks in that menu. The top plane reorients itself. Click on top plane again and click on the sketch button Sketch Button Solidworks Sketch an open path starting from center of the circle drawn in previous step with the dimensions shown in figure below.

Draw the vertical line of 2in length first and then For drawing the arc use tangential arc from the arc tool in sketch panel.

Click on one end of the vertical line and move the cursor until you see a quarter circle. After that click on smart dimension and enter 2 as diameter. After this exit sketch by clicking on exit sketch button .

5) Goto features tab and click the sweep boss/base button

and you will see a the sweep pane as

Select sketch 1 as the profile to sweep (the option marked as blue) and sketch 2 as the path in which the profile is swept (the option is highlighted in pink). If selected properly you will see the preview of profile swept as

Now exit the sweep tool by click the green tick mark.

Your final part will be like this.

Download the file used in this tutorial

Test what you have learned by drawing the following shape

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3 comments on “Sweep Feature in solidworks

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  2. Pingback: Draw a Curved Helix / curved spring | SolidWorks Tutorials

  3. Pingback: Swept Surface in SolidWorks | SolidWorks Tutorials

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