CSWA Advanced Part modeling Question 1

This is an example from the sample exam. Please check this page for list of CSWA tutorials & resources.


Build this part in SolidWorks.
Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)
Decimal places: 2. Part origin: Arbitrary
A = 63mm, B = 50mm, C = 100mm. All holes through all.
Part material: Copper Density = 0.0089 g/mm^3

Detailed Drawing 1


Detailed Drawing 2


This is complex complex part. So before starting we have to figure out how to proceed, what is the initial block and which section to carve out/ cut first.

This the approach I have found. There might be many ways to do it achieving the same result.

As usual open Solidworks and click on new and then click on part and click ok as shown.

new part menu in solidworks New part in solidworks

Click on right plane and draw a sketch as shown in figure.


Exit the sketch by clicking on exit sketch button . Now go to features tab and extrude the current sketch to a width of 50mm symmetric to the midplane as shown and click ok.


Now on the on the right most face of the part sketch a circle of 50mm in diameter. The center of circle must be coincident to the vertical edge and  35mm away from the bottom.

image image

Now go to features tab and select extruded cut feature and remove the material of 13mm depth from the part and click ok.

image image

Now click on the inner surface of the extruded cut and draw the following sketch. Draw a circle of 20mm in diameter with center at the intersection of the circular arc and the straight line.

image image

Now click on convert entities button image and select the arc & straight line from previous sketch and click ok (the green tick). Convert entities feature projects the selected lines / curves in current sketch.

image image image

Now click the trim button from sketcher menu image and select the trim type as Trim to closest. Now click on the left side of the circle drawn and the external lines resulting in a closed profile as shown.

image image

Exit the sketch by clicking on exit sketch button . Now extrude the created profile to 5mm.


Now draw a circle of 10mm in diameter and extrude to a length of 8 mm.

image image


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2 comments on “CSWA Advanced Part modeling Question 1

  1. Dhiren on said:

    This is a good complex part examples. Show me other more complex parts

  2. mastercad on said:

    Problem? Missing dimension, R30? Where did that come from.

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