Solidworks Tutorials in Flash

Once in a while you land on a site and say wow!!. There are few who do an incredible job in story telling. Today while I was checking internet to find topics to write the next tutorial and I found They have almost all basics of solidworks  covered in a fabulous way. I highly recommend visiting their site for all tutorials.











You can pass the cswa exam if you can complete all the tutorials on this site and their site!!

Topics covered are


  • Sketching basics
  • Dimension & Relations
  • Fully Vs under defined sketches
  • Sketch Patterns
  • Converting entities
  • Trimming & extend
  • Fillets
  • Splines
  • Sketch Blocks
  • Linked Dimensions
  • Features
  • Assemblies
  • Multi-Body parts
  • Surfaces
  • Complex Surfaces
  • Design Tables
  • Renders

The list goes on…. so pay a visit to them, you wont be disappointed!!

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