CSWA Advanced Part modeling Question 1

Create a rectangle of size 50mm by 12 mm as shown in figure on the top surface of the part

image image

Now use extruded cut image to remove material all along the part.


Create a line of length 18mm with and angle of 20. as shown in figure.


Use extruded cut to remove the material above this line. Setting –> direction 1 –> through all.


Now on the top surface of the part draw a circle of 10mm in dia and 30 mm away from front face and 9mm from the vertical surface as shown


Now use the good old extruded cut feature to make a hole using this sketch.


We have the final structure as


At last we need to find out the mass of this part when it is made out of copper alloy. To assign material right click on material option in the Feature Manager Design Tree and click on edit material.


Now navigate to Copper Alloys and select copper and then click apply and close buttons.


Now you will see the color of the material changed to the color befitting the material.


To calculate the mass properties go to Evaluate tab and click on Mass properties button


you will see the mass of the current structure in grams.


If you have followed the tutorial correctly the resulting mass will be 1280.33 grams

Download the part file here.

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2 comments on “CSWA Advanced Part modeling Question 1

  1. Dhiren on said:

    This is a good complex part examples. Show me other more complex parts

  2. mastercad on said:

    Problem? Missing dimension, R30? Where did that come from.

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