How to Draw a hyperbola

This is curious, case where there is not standard tool in solid works to draw the hyperbola.

To get the sketch of hyperbola we create a surface of the cone using revolved surface & a plane surface and create a sketch of hyperbola along the intersecting surfaces.

First open a new part and draw the sketch as shown in figure



Now exit sketch and go to surfaces toolbar, click on revolved surface surfaces. Select the central line for axis of revolutions and the sketch as object to revolve and click ok to get a conical



surface as shown

 image  image

Now create a line of length 60 mm in the right plane and 10 mm away from the origin.


Now go to surfaces toolbar, click extruded surface and select the line.extruded surface

Select the newly drawn line and enter the length of extrude as 60mm and select mid-plane in direction 1 so that the plane surface will be created in both directions as shown and select ok.


Now go to tools –> sketch tools –> intersection curve as shown


Select the two surfaces as entities to create a 3d sketch out of the intersection of the two curves.


Click ok and exit sketch. Now select surface 1 & 2 and hide them as shown.


and you will endup with a hyperbola


download the part file from here

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